Historic WA Pub - Chidlow Tavern - Perth Hotel

Wine Menu & Chidlow Tavern RSA Policy

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_Drink & Dessert Menu Summer 20_21 (Final Draft) Supporting the local producers, we are very pleased to offer our guests sensational wine from Western Australia. If you prefer an amber ale we have a variety of beers on tap as well as many bottled beers. Start the night a “bubbly” and finish the night with a warming port.Chidlow Tavern’s RSA Policy

The management and staff of The Chidlow Tavern take very seriously our obligations regarding the responsible service of alcohol.  For the safety of all our wonderful patrons, we do not serve alcohol to persons under the age of 18.  We also do not serve persons who are already intoxicated, or appear to be intoxicated.  Our staff are fully empowered to make these serving decisions on a case by case basis.

Please see the following information below regarding the laws surrounding this issue.

The purpose of the Liquor Control Act (1988) is primarily to regulate the sale, supply and consumption of alcohol, and to minimise harm or ill-health caused to people due to the use of alcohol.

Under-age drinking on licensed premises

It is illegal for anyone under 18 to consume alcohol on licensed premises (e.g. pubs, nightclubs) or possess or bring alcohol on to licensed premises.

It is an offence for anyone under the age of 18 years to enter or remain on licensed premises except under specific circumstances outlined in the Liquor Control Act 1988.

It is illegal to sell or supply alcohol to anyone under the age of 18 years on licensed premises.

Proof of age

There are only three acceptable forms of photo ID (Section 126(2) LCA):

  • current Australian Driver’s Licence with photograph
  • current passport
  • current Western Australian Proof of age card

Refusing service of alcohol

It is an offence for employers or employees of licensed premises to sell or supply alcohol to a drunken person.

Entry into licensed premises may be refused for reasons such as drunkenness, disorderly behaviour, unacceptable dress, false or insufficient photo identification, or being under-age

Historic WA Pub - Chidlow Tavern - Perth Hotel

Chidlow Tavern

4 Thomas Street, Chidlow, Western Australia 6556
Phone: 08 9572 4154
Email: tavern@chidlowtavern.com.au

site by: creative instincts

Copyright © 2013 Chidlow Tavern 

Liquor License # 6020001271
Class: Tavern License
Licensee: Brewer Holdings (WA) Pty Ltd


Under the Liquor Control Act 1988 it is an offence: To sell or supply liquor to a person under the age of 18 years on licensed or regularted premises; or for a person under the age of 18 to purchase, or attempt to purchase, liquor on licensed or regulated premises.