Historic WA Pub - Chidlow Tavern - Perth Hotel

Spit in the Hills – Street Market General Information

When are the markets?

The markets are running in conjunction with the “Spit in the Hills” BBQ contest on Saturday the 26th of May. There is a second street market also being held on the 9th of September 2018. Make a note!

Where are the markets?

The markets are to take place on Thomas Street and Memorial Ave in Chidlow. Right in front of the Chidlow Tavern, the Bay Street Bakery, and the BBQ event – which will be smokin’!

How do I get there?

Head East from Midland along Great Eastern Hwy for approximately 25K’s til the Old Northam Road turn-off.

What about parking?

There is a large shady open space just before the round about on Old Northam Road as well as parking available on Thomas Road and the surrounding streets. Please follow the traffic diversion signs.

What time are the markets open to the public?

The markets will be open from 10am – 4pm. The judging for the BBQ competition commences at 5.30pm, with entertainment and awards following.

Toilet Facilities

There will be plenty of public toilets available, as well as facilities in the tavern. Pop in for a drink after you’ve emptied your bladder!

Can I bring my dog?

Sure! As long as he/she is sociable with other animals, can handle the smell of a BBQ cooking, is on a leash, and doesn’t pee on the food stalls, or drool (actually – please keep at least 5 metres away from food stalls!) You must also pick up any poops and dispose of the waste thoughtfully.

Stall Holder Information

We want you! If you are a vendor, or market stall holder who has something great to sell or promote, and who loves being a part of community events – you’re invited to register an application for the Spit in the Hills Street Market. All registrations are welcome – we are extra keen to have you along if your stall is is related to food, BBQ’ing or the outdoors !

How to get involved:

Register – email your completed form to events@thechidlowtavern.com.au

Registration Forms are available at:

WEB: www.chidlowtavern.com.au/events – download

EMAIL: events@thechidlowtavern.com.au

FACEBOOK: @chidlowtavern.com.au

Please send us a message with your email address and will get a form to you asap!

Once we have received your registration form we will then send you an invoice to let you know that your registration has been accepted, OR send an email to let you know that we have already met our quota for that type of stall. We will do this within 48 hours. Operating in this way helps to ensure that we are offering the best chance of a great day for both our market goers and our stall holders. Your stall is confirmed on receipt of payment.

How much is it?


4m x 4m Non Powered Stall – $80.00

The fee for the stall is non refundable.

What do I need to bring?

On arrival your site will be blank slate. Please bring all of your own equipment, and ensure that you have adequate cover for wet or sunny weather conditions. We encourage you to bring along shelter or a marquee. Marquees are not provided.

Rain Hail or Shine? What about the weather?

The Street Market will go ahead in wet weather, providing there is no lightening or other threats to people’s health and safety.

What about insurance?

The following insurance is included in your fee for the market day only.

This covers the following:

$20,000000 third party bodily injury and/or property damage and

$20,000000 product liability cover.

Exclusions include: product liability for electrical goods, toys and second hand items, product liability for beauty products, injury to performers/actors/singers/entertainers/participants and the like.

An excess of $1000 applies to each and every claim. If something happens please let us know as soon as possible on the day so we can get the appropriate forms completed. Any incident that may involve the need to make a claim needs to be reported to the event organizer.

We recommend that all business owners carry insurance for instances that may occur outside of the policy mentioned above. You can trade at the markets without insurance at your own risk.


When do registrations need to in by?

As soon as possible! Registration Form – Stall Holders

Historic WA Pub - Chidlow Tavern - Perth Hotel

Chidlow Tavern

4 Thomas Street, Chidlow, Western Australia 6556
Phone: 08 9572 4154
Email: tavern@chidlowtavern.com.au

site by: creative instincts

Copyright © 2013 Chidlow Tavern 

Liquor License # 6020001271
Class: Tavern License
Licensee: Brewer Holdings (WA) Pty Ltd


Under the Liquor Control Act 1988 it is an offence: To sell or supply liquor to a person under the age of 18 years on licensed or regularted premises; or for a person under the age of 18 to purchase, or attempt to purchase, liquor on licensed or regulated premises.